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Never had eyelash extensions? Here's some FAQ.

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

How long does the appointment take?

It depends on your lash technician and the products they're using. Typically, a full set of new lashes takes 3-4 hours and sometimes shorter if they use pre-made lashes or are very experienced.

What do you recommend for someone new to lash extensions?

I always recommend clients try a classic set first. This way your new lashes are not too shockingly bold for your liking. If you decide you want some more volume for your next fill, we can always add more. Its easier to add than to take away.

How often do I need to get them retouched?

This depends on a number of factors. For some people they last longer than others depending on your hormone levels, medication and lash aftercare. Typically it is recommended that you come to get a fill (get your lashes retouched) every 2 weeks and no later than 3 weeks.

How do I care for them?

Caring for your lashes will extend the longevity of your extensions. Oils and make-up build up in your lash line during the day. This can factor in to lash extensions falling off more quickly. I recommend clients to wash their lashes every night before bed to remove any glue deteriorating oils. In addition to that it is recommended that you sleep on your back because sleeping on your side or stomach will cause pressure on your lash extensions causing them to pop off.

Can I wear makeup?

The answer is yes, to a certain extent. Some makeup products can decrease how long your lashes last. For example eyeliners usually have moisturizing ingredients in them which deteriorate the bond of the lash extension glue. There are lash extension approved eyeliners on the market. If you wear heavy eye shadows or makeup around your eye are I strongly recommend to clean your lashes each night before bed as you don't want makeup and oil build up. Bottom lashes are also discouraged from mascara application as it can transfer to your top lashes and clump them together.

Can I wear mascara?

No! Putting mascara on your extensions will ruin them by causing them to clump together. If your lashes are looking too bare before your fill, do not put on mascara and schedule your fills earlier if you do not want to be charged for a full set.

My eyes are sensitive, should I let my lash tech know?

Definitely! If your eyes are typically sensitive to makeup or other products you can ask your lash technician for a patch test. A patch test is done 48 hours prior to your appointment and includes placing 3-4 extensions on each eye. If you do not have any adverse reactions during this 48 hour period, you can go ahead with your lash extension appointment. A patch test can help see if there could be any unfavorable reactions, but it cannot guarantee it.


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